Sziget Festival 2015 – Day 3 Summary: Colour party with Kasabian

Day 3 of Sziget was colorful and dusty. Firstly, we again missed the 4 pm main stage concert of Awolnation. It took us long to get home, eat, wash, write blog, edit pics and return back with the gigantic crowd. I saw in the news that there have been 90,000 people on the island on Day 3 – i.e. full house. And yes, you could feel it and judging from the amount of bruises that are showing up mainly on my arms, it is bigger than ever.

When I am thinking about it, it would be really cool, if we could next year write the blog reports from the press tent as it is mostly a killer of time to go home, write and return back and I have the feeling I am missing on quite some things that happen during the day.

Also, dear Awolnation, sorry for arriving exactly with the last tones of the last song, please come again to Budapest.


Marina and the Diamonds


This band was one of the ones that we discovered by listening to Sziget Festival 2015 playlist on Deezer and we wanted to find out how it sounds live. Marina was very lively and communicative with the crowd and she threw a good show. We were quite happy as our festival souls are a bit tired, so it was exactly what we needed to caress it. Well done!

Also, Marina asked what are you guys doing in December? So, save the date (we do not know which one yet and where) as Marina with her diamonds is coming back to Budapest!


Colour party


Already at Marina’s concert, the dust of the main stage was creating a continuous filter above it and with no wind around, the dust was staying. The dust changed color during the special party of the day – Colour party, where people are given bags with color powder and when the time comes, they all throw it in the air, creating a wonderful color cloud. The color then stays on their skin, hair, clothes and what does not stand on people, stands on the ground and this year also in the air.


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The sky before Kasabian was very colorful, people were colorful too and it made them so happy that even long after the beginning of the next gig on the main stage, they were walking through the festival area and collecting pebbles with remaining colors on them so that they could scratch their face with it to get more colorful.




We saw Kasabian already once this year at Colours of Ostrava. This gig was much bigger and I had the feeling they were trying to be a bit less mysterious and a bit more communicative with the crowd. People were dancing like crazy to their songs even at the back of the stage and I really liked the gig. The only pity is that they did not play my favourite song Reason is Treason. I guess, it is too old now to be played.


Vad fruttik


This is one of the famous Hungarian bands and you can see that judging from the crowd that did not want to skip on this concert, there were a lot of people that sacrificed the main stage performance of Avicii and went local.

I already saw Vad fruttik before in Budapest Park, so I knew what to expect. But somewhat I am always very surprised when the band starts their concert as the music sounds as it would be from a different universe. For sure it is the Hungarian lyrics that add up to this feeling, but also the music style is making it an extraordinary experience. It feels like the band is in some sort of trance of its own, very hard to describe, maybe a video would demonstrate it better.

Vad Fruttik at Sziget
It is almost impossible to take a decent picture with the omnipresent dust. But at least this one seems to be quite OK – Vad Fruttik on Petofi radio Telekom Volt festival Stage

All in all, the gig was very good, people were enjoying it  a lot and it is quite nice that the band has own songs and many more hits than the Hungarians bands we saw in the last two days (Wellhello, Halott pénz).

There is always more to read:  Action plan and tips: Moving to Hungary

After, we were just wandering around, trying to locate our friends and we called it a day early as believe me or not, we start to feel the 5 days of partying. But there are only 2 days left and the island of freedom adventure of 2015 will be over soon so no time for ranting, time to enjoy!

Bit of pics from yesterday:

Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget decorations at Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget Colour party Sziget


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