Sziget Festival – Day -1, Robbie Williams and alpaca

Sziget finally started! Well, not quite yet as yesterday was just Day -1. Many festival venues are still closed and being finalized in the meantime. But the music program already kicked off with the best (and most expensive) that the Festival Crew managed to bring so far – Robbie Williams.

But first things first.


Moving in to Sziget


The island is getting quite crowded, but there are still places to put your tent, if you are arriving on Wednesday. So no worries! As this year, more dedicated campings were created, it seems that the rest of the people that have just basic camping get a bit unlucky. We put our tent and only then realized that it is almost 10 minutes walk to the closest ToiToi. A bit unhandy and I think it will lead to people urinating everywhere, but time will tell.

There were literally no queues to change the eticket for bracelet and it was quite refreshing to walk on the bridge to the festival with the shower lines above our heads. Good move! Indeed, very refreshing at 36C heat.


Alpaca adventures at Sziget


This year, we decided to cruise the festival with a red Alpaca on a selfie stick so that she can enjoy it as much as we do. So far we managed to have Alpaca stream from the Irie Maffia concert and we had even 25 viewers! Follow the Alpaca adventures on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #alpaca.

#alpaca #sziget #sziget2015 #ontheroad

A photo posted by Katechka (@katechkadotcom) on


Oh, Robbie!

The star of the day and a dream come true for many people (especially Hungarians, as I had the feeling there was at least zillion of them) was without doubt Robbie Williams. He came with his show Let me entertain you and I must say, he knows how to entertain people.

There is always more to read:  Sziget Festival Summary - Day 2 - Endless party at Sziget

As I saw the show in Krakow in April 2015, I was curious about how the Festival version will look like. In Poland, Robbie did not dare asking “Will you go to bed with me” when starting the videoshow for his song Candy. In Hungary, the porn kingdom, this did not seem to offend anybody. Although in Poland, the lady that went with Robbie was married. So it is nice to see that Robbie has the sense for situation.

I really enjoyed the whole show, I missed a bit that Robbie’s father did not come to sing at the stage too. I particularly liked the introduction, when he said that since his last time in Budapest, he got a son, did some drugs and wised up. And he also reminded the people of being a bad boy in a boy band. Oh, I love the nineties!

I think that Robbie Williams is the only pop artist that is actually wearing a skirt when performing. I guess, it is damn practical (and I have this sort of tennis skirt too! My favorite festival attire.)

Several things surprised me during the show:

  • The whole festival was there, the surroundings of Main stage and rest of the Island were completely empty;
  • Robbie’s fans are of all age groups and women prevail (no surprise);
  • Robbie can sing with a chewing gum in his mouth;
  • He also knows how to run a big show, it was entertaining, long and funny too;
  • every concert starts a bit late, but not Robbie’s, because it started 3 min early;
  • There were a lot of dead moments in the show, when people were just singing songs that Robbie started, it felt like a singing class;
  • or when Robbie was singing songs of other bands and artists. Not that Robbie Williams would not have songs of his own, he does and quite a lot, but I think it is somewhat more enjoyable to play songs that people know, are adding up to a good show and are entertaining at the same time.
There is always more to read:  2 weeks before Sziget festival - visit to the Island of Freedom

Oh and did I mention that Robbie Williams was coming to the festival by a helicopter? Big name in every sense.

One big lesson learned yesterday, make a good mark of where your tent is on the map as there are more tents growing up like mushrooms after rain and everything looks so different at night!

Follow us and Alpaca on Sziget, come make selfies and don’t be shy!

You can fan us on Facebook, Instagram or just follow the hashtag #alpaca.



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