Building Sziget festival – 7 days to go!

Dear Szitizens and other summer festival lovers,

the good news is that there is only 1 week to go until the Sziget festival kicks off! And as I already visited the festival area 2 weeks before the actual start and there was not much to see yet – I decided to give it another try and come again. This time, I visited it much closer to the magical date of 10th August 2015.

I am actually quite happy that I returned as this time there was much more to see and it raised my excitement for the Sziget! I never witnessed building Sziget or actually any other festival. This time, it was not that easy to get inside and outside of the fenced area like 1 week ago, but voilà!

When entering the famous Sziget festival bridge, you would not notice that soon there will be the biggest hit of Budapest summer taking place:

The next thing you spot as opposed to my last week’s visit is the fact that there is a security guy sitting by all the fence entrances to the festival area. We found out it is possible to walk in there, but not drive. So we park our car and go see Sziget festival building on foot.

It is only a few steps away from the main stage. When you come before the festival, you have to walk a bit more to get to that part of the island. That’s what we wanted to see and why we came anyway, right? I was surprised that building Sziget festival is going so fast! Compare with my previous post Before Sziget to see how the works advanced!

This is it! Check out the Sziget map to locate the positions of the stages and other places I am referring to (in brackets under pictures).


What makes the Sziget festival so unique?


There is always more to read:  Experience: taking the night train EN 477 from Prague to Budapest

Share you point of view with me in comments! For me, it is the unique combination of music, art and people that create an unforgettable experience that you cannot imagine, unless you participated in one of the Szigets. Btw, it is still possible to buy tickets!

If you had fun reading this post, help me spread the word about it by sharing it on social media. I plan to blog regularly from the Sziget festival 2015, so Like me on Facebook or Twitter to not miss any posts and news!

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